Link Your Number
Fongo gives you the option to link your Cellular Phone number to your Fongo account. This allows people you know to easily discover your Fongo number. It's free to text other Fongo numbers, but an Unlimited Texting add-on is required to text non-Fongo numbers.
When you link your cellular number, we use it to find an associated Fongo number. We also verify that you own the cellular number that you enter to prevent others from linking to your cellular number.
Linking Your Number
- Tap Account
- Tap Settings
- Under Contacts, tap Linked Number
- Tap Continue to verify the number. The verification code prevents anyone else from linking their Fongo account to your Cellular number
- In the Fongo App, enter the code and tap OK to complete number linking
- The screen will update to show your linked number. You can tap the back button to exit
Note: Only Canadian Cellular Numbers are currently supported for linking.