Adding New Members:
- Click on the "Members" tab
- Click "Add New Members"
- Enter the name, cell phone number and email address of the new member
Note: The cell phone number is used for call-forwarding purposes. If you don't plan on using the call-forwarding feature, you can just add a place holder phone number. Ex. 222-222-2222. Voicemails will be sent to the email address provided.
Options Available to Each Member:
Send Email: This will send a welcome email to the member including instructions on how to use and access different features.
Authorize App: This will send an authentication code to the member to allow app access. This is sent to both the email address and phone number listed.
Note: Some Android users will need to view the email for their login password as the login link in the text message tends to be un-clickable for some Android devices
Configure Call Handling: Any calls routed to the member's extension will always go to the mobile app or desk phone first (if the member has a desk phone and the mobile app, they both ring simultaneously). Call handling settings are for what happens after the call is unanswered on the mobile app or desk phone.
- Go to Voicemail: Call will go directly to your Fongo Works voicemail
- Forward to Cellphone: Call will forward to whatever number you input into the cellphone number area of the member. The call may get picked up by the voicemail of the forwarding number, or the call will just end (depending on the ring count settings of the forwarding number)
- Forward to Cellphone, then go to voicemail: Call will forward to whatever number you input into the cellphone number area of the member. If unanswered, the call will then go to the Fongo Works voicemail of that member
Note: Ring count settings can be edited by Pro users only. You must submit a support request asking for the ring counts of individual members to be edited. There is 2 ring counts, 1 for the mobile app/desk phone, and 1 for the forwarding ring count.