Transferring a number to Fongo Home Phone may vary based on the current provider of the number, but the average transfer time is 5 - 7 business days from submission. This estimate assumes that the current carrier does not reject the porting request for any reason and are considered to be the best case scenarios.
Special Considerations
Certain factors based on carriers or holidays may adjust the base time for a number transfer.
Carrier Specific Number Transfer Times
For Fongo Mobile number transfers, the standard transfer time of 5 - 7 business days will not apply if the number comes from one of the below carriers. Provided is the estimated number transfer time from the carrier as well for Fongo Home Phone
- CIK Tel - 10 business days
- Ooma - 10 business days
- Callcentric - 10 business days
- - 10 business days
- Anveo - 10 business days
Holiday And Special Day Considerations
The following holidays and special days occurring during the number transfer waiting period will push out the transfer date by one business day for each holiday during the transfer waiting period. This will happen even if the holiday occurs during a weekend. Provided is the list of holidays that will extend the period of the number transfer.
- New Years Day - January 1
- Family Day (British Columbia) - Second Monday in February
- Family Day (Others) - Third Monday in February
- St. Patrick's Day - March 17
- Good Friday
- Easter Sunday
- Easter Monday
- St. George's Day - April 23
- Victoria Day - Monday Before May 25
- National Aboriginal Day - June 21
- Fete National - June 24
- Day Before Canada Day - June 30
- Canada Day - July 1
- Independence Day - July 4
- Nunavut Day - July 9
- Civic Holiday - First Monday in August
- Labour Day - First Monday in September
- Thanksgiving Day - Second Monday in October
- Christmas Eve - December 24
- Christmas Day - December 25
- Boxing Day - December 26
- Day After Boxing Day - December 27
- New Years Eve - December 31